Missions and Functions of TBS Committees
Adult Education
MISSION: Promote, plan and oversee adult Jewish and reform education both within and outside the Temple.
FUNCTION: Develop and encourage participation in adult education programs. In conjunction with the Rabbi, plan, promote, and implement the Fred Hexter Jr. Cultural Program, the Arjmand Adult Education Fund activities and other adult education special events, brown bag presentations; book reviews; and interact with the Library Committee.
Archives and Judaica Arts Committee
MISSION: Maintain, supplement and oversee the Temple’s historical records and its Judaica art collection.
FUNCTION: Identify materials of historical interest about the Temple, Springfield Jews or the Springfield Jewish community; maintain and organize the historical records of the Temple; transmit historical records to the American Jewish Archives in Cincinnati; decide what new pieces of art should be purchased; catalogue and have appraised existing pieces; maintain existing pieces (regularly polish the silver and ensure that they are properly displayed); coordinate the sharing of art pieces with other religious groups; attract and secure traveling art exhibits; and insure the proper disposal of religious materials.
Building and Grounds Committee
MISSION: Oversee the maintenance of the Temple building and its grounds.
FUNCTION: Identify needed capital improvements, maintenance and repairs. Solicit bids/proposals or cost estimates for the action needed. Recommend to the Board the appropriate action to be taken.
Care Committee
MISSION: Foster the growth of a congregational spirit of caring and concern for all members of the congregation.
FUNCTION: Let members know that we care about them and their families by assisting them as needed, including: comforting and consoling members during periods of illness, mourning, or loneliness; welcoming new members to the community; provide support during all life cycle events be they joyful or solemn. Coordinate with other Jewish and non-Jewish care giving organizations. Help b’nai mitzvah and confirmation classes develop and follow through on mitzvah projects.
Endowment Growth Committee
MISSION: Solicit donations to the Endowment Fund.
FUNCTION: Contact congregants to encourage them to consider making bequests or lifetime gifts to the Endowment Fund.
Finance Committee
MISSION: Oversee all matters related to Temple finances.
FUNCTION: Review the expenses and income of the Temple. Seek to reduce expenses and increase income. Research the existing dues structure annually and recommend to the Board any needed changes to such structure. Approve dues relief for members. Notify the Ritual Committee of members who are delinquent in their dues and therefore should not receive any High Holiday Honors.
Fundraising Committee
MISSION: Develop, organize, promote and produce activities designed to raise funds for the Temple.
FUNCTION: Develop ideas for fundraisers. Identify and secure congregants to organize, promote and produce Temple fundraisers. Report the results of fundraising activities to the Treasurer and the Temple Board.
House Rules Committee
MISSION: Establish and update the House Rules.
FUNCTION: Establish, update and ensure compliance with the rules to be followed for the use of the Temple and any fees to be charged for such use.
Investment Committee
MISSION: To oversee the investment of the Endowment Funds to maximize asset growth while generating income sufficient to find the day to day operations of the Temple and jointly with the Treasurer to invest the assets of the Temple Funds Accounts.
FUNCTION: In concert with the Endowment Fund Manager and in compliance with the Statement of Investment Objectives, establish an investment plan strategy. Periodically monitor investment results and compliance with objectives and revise the investment plan as appropriate. Meet quarterly with fund managers to review performance.
Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC) Representative
MISSION: Act as a liaison between the Springfield Jewish Federation JCRC and the Temple.
FUNCTION: Represent the interest of TBS at the JCRC and inform the board of matters of interest occurring before the JCRC
Library Committee
MISSION: Maintain and oversee the use of and purchase of books and other library materials for the Mary Hurwitz Memorial Library.
FUNCTION: Secure new materials; inform the congregation of new or interesting materials (e.g. highlight a book in the Bulletin); work with the secretary to catalogue materials; organize materials; and interact with the Adult Education Committee.
Membership/Outreach Committee
MISSION: Secure new members and maintain existing members.
FUNCTION: Recruit new members by arranging for prospective members to attend Temple functions. Inform them of what the Temple offers and our dues structure. Visit socially with members of the congregation. Work with the Finance Committee regarding billing arrangements. Welcome new members and advise them of programs. Determine the special skills and needs of new members to integrate them into the congregation. Reach out to inter-married couples to make them feel a welcomed part of the community. Facilitate their integration into Jewish life, whether conversion is intended or other commitments regarding Jewish family life.
Nominating Committee
MISSION: Nominate potential officers and board members to the Board of Directors.
FUNCTION: Select and recommend to the Board nominees for election as Temple Officers and Board of Directors Members. Recommend replacement of individuals who do not complete their terms.
Ritual/Holiday Committee
MISSION: Establish the procedure for and oversee the functioning of ritual, holiday and Shabbat services.
FUNCTION: Assign High Holy Day honors; secure ushers for Shabbat and holiday services; publicize when services will be; seek to increase attendance; work with the Rabbi to establish the proper mood and participation for all services; communicate the preferences of the congregation regarding the music and ritual at worship services; participate in the selection and purchase of prayer books; invite the Choir Director to participate in matters related to the choir, find persons to lead the services in the Rabbi’s absence; consider and recommend to the Board changes in the time or the manner in which services or life cycle events are conducted.
Religious School Representative
MISSION: Act as a liaison between Springfield Board of Jewish Education (SBJE) and TBS.
FUNCTION: Three temple members will represent the interest of TBS before the SBJE and advise the Board or a designated Board member of matters occurring before SBJE.
Social Action Committee
MISSION: To foster goodwill and mutual understanding between our congregation and the non-Jewish communities by keeping informed on social, religious and political issues; by developing, promoting and putting on programs and forums that address such issues; and by fostering hands-on involvement of the congregation in social causes.
FUNCTION: Advise the Board and the congregation of social, religious and political issues pertinent to the agenda of liberal Judaism and its value system of positive interaction with the world. Identify, develop, promote and carry out programs for the congregation and the community at large and educate to such issues. Encourage members of the congregation to become knowledgeable about such issues and to participate in hands on projects related to social issues. Continue to develop and cultivate our relationship with First Congregational Church.
Special Events Committee
MISSION: To identify, develop and promote special events for the Temple.
FUNCTION: As determined by each committee or the Board.
Union for Reform Judaism (URJ) Liaison
MISSION: Serve as a liaison between the Board and the Union for Reform Judaism.
FUNCTION: Advise the Board and the congregation about URJ services, programs and other pertinent matters; attend URJ functions.
Youth Committee
MISSION: Develop and oversee activities for Temple youth that promote their attendance, participation and enjoyment of Temple functions and religious activities and their association with other Jewish children.
FUNCTION: Oversee SpriFTY and participate in the selection of its advisor; help develop and promote youth programming for all ages including college students; develop and promote youth summer program; help determine the allocation of any Temple funded campership; assist the Rabbi with youth related religious activities; and coordinate with other Jewish youth organizations.