About Temple B'rith Sholom

Our Story

About Our Community

For over 160 years, we have continued our proud traditions with strong worship practices, activities for both young and old, and social action efforts in the community.  Ours is a close-knit Jewish community and a warm and welcoming congregation.  TBS is a place where lifelong friendships have been formed with passionate and casual Jews alike.

We are a mainstream Reform congregation that always welcomes new ideas and creative input. Anyone who wishes to join us will find a home with us—regardless of color, creed, age, gender or sexual orientation.  Whether you consider yourself a Jew-by birth, a Jew-by-choice, or married to a non-Jew; whether you have children never had children, or are now an empty-nester, TBS will welcome your participation.

Our programs foster a rich and meaningful Jewish life. Whether your interests are purely social or you are seeking child/adult education; whether your heart moves you to music, prayer, the life cycle, or holiday celebrations; whether you seek a connection to Israel and Jews internationally or simply need a local address to hang your Jewish hat, you can find plenty of Jewish opportunities here at Temple B’rith Sholom

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