Please contact us for information concerning any of these life cycle events.
A temple representative will contact you.
- Bris Milah (Boy Baby Celebration)-Rabbi will recommend a mohel or competent physician for this ceremony.
- Bris Banot (Covenant of the Daughter Celebration)
- Pidyon HaBen (Redemption of the First-Born Son)
- Baby Namings
- Consecration: As your child is ready to enter into kindergarten and religious education classes, TBS offers a special Consecration ceremony during Sukkot. Rabbi Baroff works with the parents of these children to plan this event each year. There is a ceremony during services and then a special recognition dinner following services for family and friends.
- B’nai Mitzvah: Prior to bar or bat mitzvah, youngsters are expected to have completed the full course of Religious School and Hebrew School (or their equivalent). They will work with Rabbi for nine months prior to their event. We are also fortunate to have the help of trained congregants that help with the chant of their Torah and Haftarah readings. In the past years, we are proud to say that two groups of adult men and women have also celebrated their group B’nai Mitzvah.
- Confirmation: Upon completion of the 10th grade and usually scheduled on Shavuot, TBS hosts very special confirmation services for our youth as an extension of their dedication to a Jewish lifestyle. A few months prior to this event, teens participate in weekly activities and work on their confirmation presentations with the Rabbi.
- Wedding Celebrations: Temple B’rith Sholom provide a wonderful venue for wedding celebrations and will help plan your ceremony—chuppah included, and reception activities.
- Conversion: The process of conversion to Judaism is an exciting series of training classes with the Rabbi, regular attendance at services, Hebrew classes, special assignments, essay preparation, and immersion into all things Jewish in our community. Our Rabbi schedules these events as there is interest for interfaith couples and other individuals who want to convert to Judaism.
- Funeral and End of Life Events: Our Temple has proven to be a great source of comfort to mourners and can offer guidance, direction, solace and assistance to family members at the time of a loved one’s passing.